2014 signifies the launching of Nailsworth Natural Health Clinic Ltd, the firm that is situated at Town Hall Old Bristol Rd, Nailsworth in Stroud. This means it's been 10 years Nailsworth Natural Health Clinic has been in the business, as it was established on Thursday 30th October 2014. Its Companies House Registration Number is 09287532 and the post code is GL6 0JF. This company's SIC code is 86900, that means Other human health activities. Nailsworth Natural Health Clinic Limited reported its account information for the period that ended on 2022-10-31. The company's latest confirmation statement was filed on 2023-10-30.
Currently, there’s only one managing director in the company: Joseph S. (since Thursday 30th October 2014). Since 2014 Jo H., had been functioning as a director for the firm until the resignation on Thursday 19th November 2015. Furthermore a different director, including Elfriede K. gave up the position in 2021.