Nailsworth Accountancy & Bookkeeping has been in this business for at least twenty four years. Established under number 04015238, the firm is listed as a Private Limited Company. You may find the main office of this company during its opening times under the following location: Town Hall Old Bristol Road, GL6 0JF Nailsworth. Its present name is Nailsworth Accountancy & Bookkeeping Ltd.. This business's previous associates may know the firm also as Ingleworth, which was used until 2002/11/13. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 69201 - Accounting and auditing activities. 2023-03-31 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
Michael J. and Emma M. are listed as enterprise's directors and have been expanding the company since 2002/11/01. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, this specific company has been utilizing the expertise of Emma M. as a secretary for the last twenty four years.
Emma M. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.