Municipal Security Limited has been prospering on the British market for at least thirty seven years. Started with registration number 02244537 in the year 1988, the company have office at Seaspace House Brighton Road, Haywards Heath RH17 6BZ. It 's been thirty years from the moment Municipal Security Limited is no longer recognized under the business name Anglia Safe & Vault. This company's declared SIC number is 46900 which stands for Non-specialised wholesale trade. Its most recent accounts describe the period up to 2023/03/31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was released on 2023/10/12.
The trademark of Municipal Security is "Notestore". It was submitted in November, 2016 and it registration was completed by IPO in February, 2017. The company will use this trademark till November, 2026.
2 transactions have been registered in 2013 with a sum total of £1,420. In 2012 there was a similar number of transactions (exactly 3) that added up to £12,366. The Council conducted 2 transactions in 2011, this added up to £33,785. All the transactions taken into account were valued at 500 pounds or more. In total, the company conducted 7 transactions and issued invoices for £47,572. Cooperation with the Department for Transport council covered the following areas: P&m - Additions, Equip Purch - Police (noncap) and Furniture & Fittings - Add.
The directors currently listed by this specific limited company are as follow: Patricia K. arranged to perform management duties in 2005 and Roger P. arranged to perform management duties on Mon, 12th Oct 1992. To find professional help with legal documentation, the abovementioned limited company has been utilizing the skills of Patricia K. as a secretary since the appointment on Thu, 23rd Jan 2003.