Profit & Loss |
Date of Accounts |
2020-03-31 | 2021-03-31 | 2022-03-31 | 2023-03-31 |
Currency |
| | | |
Balance Sheet |
Cash Bank On Hand | 858 998 | 300 557 | 157 090 | 37 122 |
Current Assets | 2 157 313 | 2 632 078 | 3 863 214 | 3 791 738 |
Debtors | 1 289 381 | 2 322 587 | 3 697 190 | 3 745 682 |
Net Assets Liabilities | 1 860 939 | 2 281 339 | 2 651 400 | 3 065 513 |
Other Debtors | 45 690 | 28 580 | 438 894 | 491 347 |
Property Plant Equipment | 4 198 770 | 3 391 119 | 2 900 950 | 2 419 616 |
Total Inventories | 8 934 | 8 934 | 8 934 | 8 934 |
Other Financial Data |
Audit Fees Expenses | 3 000 | 3 000 | 5 500 | 5 500 |
Other Non-audit Services Entity Subsidiaries Fees | 8 094 | 3 580 | 1 900 | 10 245 |
Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income | 73 871 | 11 495 | 4 000 | 6 000 |
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 2 828 208 | 3 379 719 | 3 518 045 | 3 590 189 |
Additional Provisions Increase From New Provisions Recognised | | | | 47 513 |
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | | 209 680 | 172 266 | 81 799 |
Administration Support Average Number Employees | 14 | 13 | 13 | 12 |
Administrative Expenses | 1 613 884 | 1 489 396 | 1 601 331 | 1 699 956 |
Amounts Owed By Directors | 24 886 | 49 798 | 1 249 798 | 1 243 368 |
Amounts Owed By Group Undertakings | 359 218 | 1 261 532 | 1 266 869 | 1 291 206 |
Amounts Owed To Group Undertakings | 728 893 | 789 300 | 1 147 366 | 1 191 654 |
Applicable Tax Rate | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 |
Average Number Employees During Period | 59 | 38 | 38 | 41 |
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts | | 135 | | |
Bank Overdrafts | | 135 | | |
Cash Cash Equivalents | 858 998 | 300 422 | 157 090 | |
Cash Cash Equivalents Cash Flow Value | 858 998 | 300 422 | 157 090 | 37 122 |
Comprehensive Income Expense | 99 890 | 420 400 | 910 061 | -45 887 |
Corporation Tax Payable | | 133 811 | 211 011 | 547 450 |
Cost Sales | 8 700 143 | 6 184 289 | 6 754 931 | 6 444 536 |
Creditors | 2 565 893 | 2 818 868 | 3 195 477 | 2 798 041 |
Current Tax For Period | | 117 627 | 84 344 | 30 783 |
Deferred Tax Expense Credit Relating To Origination Reversal Timing Differences | 141 208 | -16 304 | -76 263 | 47 513 |
Deferred Tax Liabilities | 354 408 | 338 104 | 261 841 | 309 354 |
Depreciation Expense Property Plant Equipment | 727 002 | 620 433 | 626 648 | 450 143 |
Depreciation Rate Used For Property Plant Equipment | | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | | 68 922 | 488 322 | 377 999 |
Disposals Property Plant Equipment | | 465 820 | 524 109 | 490 989 |
Dividends Paid | | | | 80 000 |
Dividends Paid Classified As Financing Activities | | | | 80 000 |
Dividends Paid On Shares | | | | 80 000 |
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total | 750 371 | 776 213 | 525 582 | 76 438 |
Finance Lease Payments Owing Minimum Gross | 2 325 214 | 1 361 099 | 641 028 | 114 884 |
Gain Loss In Cash Flows From Change In Accrued Items | 51 901 | -62 376 | -7 495 | 2 000 |
Gain Loss In Cash Flows From Change In Creditors Trade Other Payables | 199 274 | 95 156 | -333 729 | -331 019 |
Gain Loss In Cash Flows From Change In Debtors Trade Other Receivables | -34 350 | -1 033 206 | -174 603 | -48 492 |
Gain Loss In Cash Flows From Change In Inventories | 3 565 | | | |
Gain Loss On Disposals Property Plant Equipment | -25 862 | -13 238 | 70 521 | -17 343 |
Government Grant Income | | 221 748 | | |
Gross Profit Loss | 1 906 867 | 1 860 211 | 2 051 510 | 1 781 452 |
Income Expense Recognised Directly In Equity | | | | -80 000 |
Income Taxes Paid Refund Classified As Operating Activities | 184 777 | -16 184 | 133 811 | -305 656 |
Increase Decrease In Cash Cash Equivalents Before Foreign Exchange Differences Changes In Consolidation | 317 197 | -558 576 | -143 332 | -119 968 |
Increase Decrease In Current Tax From Adjustment For Prior Periods | | | 126 667 | |
Increase Decrease In Net Debt From Cash Flows | | -345 132 | -218 673 | -361 888 |
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | | 620 433 | 626 648 | 450 143 |
Interest Expense On Obligations Under Finance Leases Hire Purchase Contracts | 51 885 | 70 840 | 72 037 | 49 087 |
Interest Paid Classified As Operating Activities | 51 885 | 70 840 | 72 037 | 49 087 |
Interest Payable Similar Charges Finance Costs | 51 885 | 70 840 | 72 037 | 49 087 |
Net Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities | -697 181 | -853 560 | -362 005 | -561 856 |
Net Cash Flows From Used In Investing Activities | -15 197 | 345 580 | -65 958 | 13 848 |
Net Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities | 1 029 575 | -50 596 | 284 631 | 428 040 |
Net Cash Generated From Operations | 1 266 237 | 4 060 | 490 479 | 171 471 |
Net Current Assets Liabilities | -408 580 | -186 790 | 667 737 | 993 697 |
Net Debt Funds | 2 195 109 | 1 849 977 | 1 631 304 | 1 269 416 |
Net Deferred Tax Liability Asset | 354 408 | 338 104 | 261 841 | 309 354 |
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid | 1 000 | 1 000 | 1 000 | 1 000 |
Operating Profit Loss | 292 983 | 592 563 | 450 179 | 81 496 |
Other Creditors | 391 720 | 398 327 | 48 000 | 2 431 |
Other Operating Income Format1 | | 221 748 | | |
Other Taxation Social Security Payable | 58 639 | 264 695 | 629 045 | 606 351 |
Par Value Share | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Payments Finance Lease Liabilities Classified As Financing Activities | 658 521 | 1 135 715 | 720 071 | 526 144 |
Pension Costs Defined Contribution Plan | 32 030 | 27 203 | 28 018 | 30 344 |
Pension Other Post-employment Benefit Costs Other Pension Costs | 32 030 | 27 203 | 28 018 | 30 344 |
Prepayments Accrued Income | 56 194 | 154 892 | 148 019 | 234 134 |
Proceeds From Government Grants Classified As Financing Activities | | 221 748 | | |
Proceeds From Repayment Loans Advances To Group Undertakings Classified As Financing Activities | -38 660 | 60 407 | 358 066 | 44 288 |
Proceeds From Sales Property Plant Equipment | 121 700 | 383 660 | 106 308 | 95 647 |
Production Average Number Employees | 45 | 25 | 25 | 29 |
Profit Loss | 99 890 | 420 400 | 370 061 | -45 887 |
Profit Loss On Ordinary Activities Before Tax | 241 098 | 521 723 | 1 044 809 | 32 409 |
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 7 026 978 | 6 770 838 | 6 418 995 | 6 009 805 |
Provisions | 354 408 | 338 104 | 261 841 | 309 354 |
Purchase Property Plant Equipment | 136 897 | 38 080 | 172 266 | 81 799 |
Raw Materials | 8 934 | 8 934 | 8 934 | 8 934 |
Revenue From Rendering Services | 10 607 010 | 8 044 500 | 8 806 441 | 8 225 988 |
Social Security Costs | 168 576 | 134 394 | 136 515 | 155 647 |
Staff Costs Employee Benefits Expense | 2 036 782 | 1 663 150 | 1 714 081 | 2 034 431 |
Taxation Including Deferred Taxation Balance Sheet Subtotal | 354 408 | 338 104 | 261 841 | 309 354 |
Tax Expense Credit Applicable Tax Rate | 45 809 | 99 128 | 71 847 | 6 158 |
Tax Increase Decrease From Effect Capital Allowances Depreciation | -140 989 | 16 522 | 12 497 | 24 625 |
Tax Increase Decrease From Effect Expenses Not Deductible In Determining Taxable Profit Or Loss | 2 342 | 1 977 | | |
Tax Increase Decrease From Other Short-term Timing Differences | 141 208 | -16 304 | -76 263 | 47 513 |
Tax Tax Credit On Profit Or Loss On Ordinary Activities | 141 208 | 101 323 | 134 748 | 78 296 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 3 790 190 | 3 204 329 | 3 028 687 | 3 413 313 |
Trade Creditors Trade Payables | 562 399 | 444 892 | 630 473 | 367 717 |
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables | 803 393 | 827 785 | 593 610 | 485 627 |
Turnover Revenue | 10 607 010 | 8 044 500 | 8 806 441 | 8 225 988 |
Unused Provision Reversed | | 16 304 | 76 263 | |
Wages Salaries | 1 836 176 | 1 501 553 | 1 549 548 | 1 848 440 |
Director Remuneration | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 |