M.p.k. Garages Limited can be contacted at Leicester at Mpk House. You can look up this business by its area code - LE4 7SL. M.p.k. Garages's founding dates back to year 1979. This firm is registered under the number 01440987 and its official state is active. This firm's registered with SIC code 47300, that means Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores. M.p.k. Garages Ltd filed its account information for the financial period up to 2022/12/31. The company's latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/07/11.
With 30 job announcements since 2017-02-06, the company has been among the most active ones on the labour market. Most recently, it was employing candidates in Rotherham, Doncaster and Stourport on Severn. They most often offer part time positions under Temporary contract mode. They search for candidates for such posts as for example: Retail Manager, Forecourt Manager and Sales Assistant.
For the business, most of director's responsibilities have been done by John S., Nerissa H. and Paul K.. Within the group of these three people, Paul K. has managed business the longest, having been a vital addition to the Management Board for seventeen years.