Profit & Loss |
Date of Accounts |
2012-03-31 | 2013-03-31 | 2014-03-31 |
Currency |
Net Worth | 11 777 863 | 13 189 083 | 19 495 216 |
Balance Sheet |
Cash Bank In Hand | 2 099 307 | 3 501 236 | 5 145 233 |
Current Assets | 52 870 636 | 67 444 485 | 76 283 967 |
Debtors | 14 890 186 | 18 157 394 | 21 072 212 |
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability | 11 777 863 | 13 189 083 | 19 495 216 |
Other Debtors | 2 156 451 | 1 892 005 | 2 931 689 |
Stocks Inventory | 35 881 143 | 44 485 855 | 50 066 522 |
Tangible Fixed Assets | 672 127 | 1 093 133 | 1 360 886 |
Trade Debtors | 453 791 | 1 240 891 | 349 755 |
Capital & Reserves |
Called Up Share Capital | 200 000 | 200 000 | 200 000 |
Profit Loss Account Reserve | 11 577 863 | 12 989 083 | 19 295 216 |
Shareholder Funds | 11 777 863 | 13 189 083 | 19 495 216 |
Other Financial Data |
Audit Fees Expenses | 18 500 | 19 200 | 20 700 |
Auditing Accounts Of Associates Pursuant To Legislation Entity And Subsidiaries Fees | 1 600 | 1 660 | |
Fees For Non-audit Services | 5 170 | 20 850 | 15 655 |
Information Technology Services Fees | 4 550 | 1 770 | 1 850 |
Internal Audit Fees | 1 000 | 1 455 | |
Litigation Services Fees | -7 730 | | -5 270 |
Other Non-audit Services Fees | | 5 750 | 1 730 |
Other Services Pursuant To Such Legislation Fees | 2 100 | 2 185 | 1 050 |
Taxation Services Fees | 2 900 | 6 900 | 13 925 |
Total Fees To Auditors | 23 670 | 40 050 | 36 355 |
Company Contributions To Money Purchase Schemes Directors | 10 127 | 31 061 | 26 356 |
Director Remuneration | 788 669 | 947 715 | 929 796 |
Director Remuneration Benefits Excluding Payments To Third Parties | 197 916 | 337 837 | 395 314 |
Number Directors Accruing Benefits Under Money Purchase Scheme | 6 | 4 | 4 |
Accruals Deferred Income Within One Year | 4 798 245 | 4 011 613 | 6 442 442 |
Administration Support Average Number Employees | 121 | 122 | |
Administrative Expenses | 16 250 993 | 13 742 232 | |
Amount Due From To Related Party | | 1 105 147 | 103 749 |
Amounts Owed By Other Participating Interests | 3 705 879 | 2 171 143 | 103 749 |
Amounts Owed By Other Participating Interests After One Year | 2 134 194 | | |
Amounts Owed By Subsidiaries | 6 821 345 | 10 158 158 | 12 574 802 |
Amounts Owed By Subsidiaries After One Year | 5 861 530 | 9 466 801 | 10 008 946 |
Amounts Owed To Other Participating Interests Within One Year | 123 437 | | |
Amounts Owed To Subsidiaries Within One Year | 748 595 | 1 002 855 | |
Average Number Employees During Period | 365 | 378 | |
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts | 1 369 630 | 948 198 | |
Bank Loans Overdrafts Finance Charges | 19 691 | 17 860 | |
Capital Allowances In Excess Depreciation Leading To Decrease Increase In Tax | 23 524 | 30 790 | |
Cash Flow Outflow Before Management Liquid Resources Financing | -1 607 098 | -3 981 932 | |
Cash Flow Outflow From Capital Expenditure Financial Investment | | -799 589 | |
Cash Flow Outflow From Operating Activities | 3 739 104 | -3 155 078 | |
Cash Flow Outflow From Returns On Investments Servicing Finance | 436 576 | 258 735 | |
Commitments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases Land Buildings | 1 748 804 | 2 072 506 | 2 490 506 |
Corporation Tax Due Within One Year | | | 2 253 480 |
Cost Sales | 299 583 214 | 352 505 625 | |
Creditors Due After One Year | 1 369 630 | 948 198 | 4 519 000 |
Creditors Due Within One Year | 36 584 270 | 46 330 337 | 53 630 637 |
Current Asset Investments | | 1 300 000 | |
Debt Due After One Year | 1 369 630 | 948 198 | |
Debt Due Within One Year | 23 496 677 | 29 301 970 | 29 942 367 |
Debtors Due After One Year | 7 995 724 | 9 466 801 | 12 630 560 |
Decrease Increase In Debtors | 5 326 616 | -3 328 721 | |
Decrease Increase In Net Debt During Period | -1 607 098 | -3 981 932 | |
Decrease Increase In Net Debt Resulting From Cash Flows | -1 607 098 | -3 981 932 | |
Decrease Increase In Provisions | -5 111 000 | -2 959 000 | |
Decrease Increase In Stocks | 1 470 170 | -8 604 712 | |
Deferred Tax Current Asset | 52 146 | 49 107 | 41 796 |
Depreciation Tangible Fixed Assets Expense | 340 704 | 378 583 | 508 413 |
Difference Between Accumulated Depreciation Amortisation Capital Allowances | -39 662 | -37 297 | -12 205 |
Dividends Withdrawn From Total Reserves | 5 000 000 | | |
Equity Dividends Paid | 5 000 000 | | |
Expenses Not Deductible For Tax Purposes | 58 043 | 9 296 | |
Finished Goods Goods For Resale | 35 881 143 | 44 485 855 | 50 066 522 |
Fixed Asset Investments Cost Or Valuation | 1 300 000 | | |
Fixed Asset Investments Disposals | | 1 300 000 | |
Fixed Assets | 1 972 127 | 1 093 133 | |
Geographic Segment Revenue By Destination | 306 518 523 | 361 745 560 | 463 910 414 |
Gross Profit Loss | 6 935 309 | 9 239 935 | |
Hire Leasing Plant Machinery Costs | | 21 823 | |
Hire Property Other Lease Expenditure | 1 833 143 | 1 940 495 | |
Income From Other Participating Interests | 66 267 | 5 730 | |
Income From Shares In Subsidiaries Group Undertakings | 496 766 | 496 765 | |
Increase Decrease In Creditors | -4 071 835 | 3 940 774 | |
Increase Decrease In Net Cash For Period | -999 665 | 1 401 929 | |
Increase Decrease In U K Corporation Tax Arising From Adjustment For Prior Periods | -881 326 | | |
Increase Decrease In U K Tax From Origination Reversal Timing Differences | -2 821 | 3 039 | |
Interest Paid | 209 038 | 248 925 | |
Interest Payable Similar Charges | 209 038 | 248 925 | |
Interest Receivable On Bank Deposits | 5 | 5 027 | |
Interest Received | 645 614 | 507 660 | |
Interim Payment | 5 000 000 | | |
Investments Fixed Assets | 1 300 000 | | |
Land Buildings Operating Leases Expiring After Five Years | 1 632 468 | 1 600 100 | 1 227 600 |
Land Buildings Operating Leases Expiring Between Two Five Years | 116 336 | 472 406 | 1 262 906 |
Loans From Directors Within One Year | 626 232 | | |
Loans Other Than Banks Loans Overdrafts Finance Charges | 189 347 | 225 797 | |
Net Current Assets Liabilities | 16 286 366 | 21 114 148 | 22 653 330 |
Net Debt Funds | 22 767 000 | 26 748 932 | 24 797 134 |
Net Increase Decrease In Shareholders Funds | -8 116 828 | 1 411 220 | |
Number Shares Allotted | 200 000 | 200 000 | 200 000 |
Operating Profit Loss | -4 437 551 | 1 499 998 | |
Other Borrowings | 23 075 245 | 28 880 538 | 29 942 367 |
Other Borrowings Interest Payments Similar Charges | | 5 268 | |
Other Creditors After One Year | | | 4 519 000 |
Other Creditors Due Within One Year | 1 236 448 | 1 205 609 | 2 528 858 |
Other Current Asset Investments Held For Sale | | 1 300 000 | |
Other Debtors Due After One Year | | | 2 621 614 |
Other Differences Leading To An Increase Decrease In Tax Charge | -62 951 | | |
Other Interest Receivable | 82 576 | 138 | |
Other Interest Receivable Similar Income | 82 581 | 5 165 | |
Other Operating Income | 4 878 133 | 6 002 295 | |
Other Taxation Social Security Within One Year | 256 019 | 1 353 310 | 1 289 210 |
Other Timing Differences | -12 484 | -11 810 | -29 591 |
Par Value Share | | 1 | 1 |
Pension Costs | 30 643 | 31 061 | |
Pension Costs Defined Contribution Scheme | 30 643 | 31 061 | |
Percentage Participating Interest Or Investment Held | | 100 | |
Prepayments Accrued Income Current Asset | 1 700 574 | 2 598 868 | 3 308 554 |
Profit Loss For Period | -3 116 828 | 1 411 220 | |
Profit Loss On Ordinary Activities Before Tax | -4 000 975 | 1 758 733 | |
Provisions Charged Credited To Profit Loss Account During Period | | 3 039 | 7 311 |
Provisions For Liabilities Charges | 5 111 000 | 8 070 000 | |
Purchase Tangible Fixed Assets | 176 451 | 799 589 | |
Repayment Borrowings | -607 433 | -5 383 861 | |
Selling Average Number Employees | 244 | 256 | |
Short Term Timing Differences Leading To Decrease Increase In Taxation | -12 484 | -287 | |
Social Security Costs | 828 082 | 914 965 | |
Staff Costs | 9 592 165 | 10 528 005 | |
Standard Nominal Tax Rate | 26 | 24 | |
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions | | 119 027 | 97 888 |
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 2 208 384 | 2 970 223 | 3 733 478 |
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation | 1 536 257 | 1 877 090 | 2 372 592 |
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period | | 54 605 | 68 418 |
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals | | 37 750 | 12 911 |
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals | | 37 750 | 12 911 |
Taxation Expense Credit | 606 327 | 286 000 | |
Tax On Group Profit On Ordinary Activities Standard U K Tax Rate | -1 040 254 | 422 096 | |
Tax On Profit Or Loss On Ordinary Activities | -884 147 | 347 513 | |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 18 258 493 | 22 207 281 | 24 014 216 |
Total Depreciation Amortisation Impairment Charges | 340 704 | 378 583 | |
Total U K Foreign Current Tax After Adjustments Relief | -881 326 | 344 474 | |
Trade Creditors Within One Year | 5 298 617 | 9 454 980 | 11 174 280 |
Turnover Gross Operating Revenue | 306 518 523 | 361 745 560 | |
U K Current Corporation Tax | -881 326 | 344 474 | |
U K Current Corporation Tax On Income For Period | | 344 474 | |
Unrelieved Tax Losses Carried Forward | 127 828 | -117 995 | |
Value Shares Allotted | 200 000 | 200 000 | 200 000 |
Wages Salaries | 8 733 440 | 9 581 979 | |