The official date the company was started is Mon, 30th Mar 1998. Established under no. 03536988, the firm is listed as a Private Limited Company. You may find the main office of this firm during its opening hours at the following address: The Mills Canal Street, DE1 2RJ Derby. The registered name transformation from K.m.e. Contracts to Moorhead Properties Ltd. took place on Thu, 19th Sep 2002. This enterprise's registered with SIC code 68209 : Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. The firm's latest annual accounts cover the period up to 31st March 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was filed on 30th March 2023.
Current directors enumerated by the following company are: Wendy M. assigned this position in 1998 in March and Kenneth M. assigned this position in 1998.
Kenneth M. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.