This particular company is located in Staffordshire registered with number: 00025755. This firm was started in the year 1888. The office of the company is situated at 137 High Street Burton On Trent. The postal code is DE14 1JZ. It has been on the market under three previous names. The first registered name, Mitchells And Butlers, was switched on Wed, 5th Feb 2003 to Coors Beer Naturally. The current name is in use since 2009, is Molson Coors Beer Naturally Limited. The company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 99999 : Dormant Company. The firm's latest accounts cover the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-01-14.
Robert E. and Philip W. are the firm's directors and have been working on the company success since 2019.
The companies that control this firm are as follows: Molson Coors Brewing Company (Uk) Limited owns over 3/4 of company shares. This business can be reached in Burton-On-Trent at High Street, DE14 1JZ and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 26018.