2003 marks the launching of Millais Crescent (management Company) Limited, a firm which is situated at Global House, Ashley Avenue in Epsom. That would make twenty one years Millais Crescent (management Company) has been in this business, as the company was established on 2003-01-15. The firm registration number is 04637601 and its zip code is KT18 5AD. The registered name of the firm got changed in 2003 to Millais Crescent (management Company) Limited. This company previous registered name was Mc269. The enterprise's registered with SIC code 98000: Residents property management. Millais Crescent (management Company) Ltd released its account information for the financial year up to 2023/01/31. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2022/12/29.
There's a group of three directors overseeing the limited company right now, including Martin R., Sarah T. and Satnam S. who have been performing the directors tasks since 2023.