1990 is the year of the establishment of Microtech Sales Uk Limited, a firm located at Sterling House, 31-32 High Street, Wellingborough. That would make 34 years Microtech Sales Uk has existed in the United Kingdom, as it was established on Fri, 8th Jun 1990. Its reg. no. is 02509947 and the company zip code is NN8 4HL. The company is known under the name of Microtech Sales Uk Limited. Moreover it also was registered as Quasar Software Systems up till the company name got changed twenty four years ago. This enterprise's declared SIC number is 62012 which stands for Business and domestic software development. The business latest financial reports describe the period up to Thu, 30th Jun 2022 and the most current confirmation statement was released on Thu, 8th Jun 2023.
In order to satisfy its client base, this company is constantly being supervised by a body of two directors who are John S. and Stuart H.. Their mutual commitment has been of utmost use to the following company for 3 years. To help the directors in their tasks, this company has been utilizing the expertise of Stuart H. as a secretary since the appointment on Wed, 24th Feb 2021.