Masonry Support Systems Limited is categorised as Private Limited Company, with headquarters in Cadley Hill Industrail Estate, Ryder Close in Swadlincote. It's zip code DE11 9EU. This company has been prospering 10 years in the business. The Companies House Reg No. is 08847189. This business's SIC code is 32990 and has the NACE code: Other manufacturing n.e.c.. Masonry Support Systems Ltd released its account information for the financial year up to December 31, 2022. The most recent annual confirmation statement was released on February 23, 2023.
The trademark of Masonry Support Systems is "B.O.S.S.". It was applied for in April, 2016 and it was printed in the journal number 2016-029.
Eithne K., Andrew N., Owen C. and Sean C. are listed as enterprise's directors and have been monitoring progress towards achieving the objectives and policies for three years. To help the directors in their tasks, this particular company has been utilizing the skillset of Sean C. as a secretary for the last eight years.