This business is located in Oxford with reg. no. 09020888. The company was established in 2014. The office of this firm is situated at 236 Hollow Way Headington. The zip code for this place is OX3 7JF. The company's registered with SIC code 70210 which means Public relations and communications activities. Marvel Maker Culture & Technology Limited filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 30th April 2022. The business latest confirmation statement was submitted on 1st May 2023.
There is 1 managing director this particular moment managing the company, specifically Peiyuan Y. who's been utilizing the director's obligations for ten years. For six years Yan M., had fulfilled assigned duties for the company up until the resignation on 2020-03-10. Furthermore, the director's tasks are helped with by a secretary - Yan M., who joined the company on 2020-03-10.
Yan M. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.