1990 marks the establishment of Marshall Errock Construction Limited, the firm located at 85 High Street, Lees, Oldham. This means it's been 35 years Marshall Errock Construction has been in the business, as it was created on 1990/08/08. The firm reg. no. is 02529029 and its area code is OL4 4LY. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 41201 and their NACE code stands for Construction of commercial buildings. 2023-03-30 is the last time the company accounts were reported.
With 23 recruitment announcements since Mon, 5th Jan 2015, the corporation has been one of the most active enterprise on the employment market. Recently, it was looking for job candidates in Leeds, Manchester and Altrincham. They most frequentlyusually offer full time jobs under Temporary contract mode. They employ candidates on such posts as for instance: Cpcs Forklift Truck Driver, Contracts Manager and Site Manager.
As the data suggests, this specific firm was established in 1990 and has been steered by nine directors, and out of them three (Kelly S., Adam E. and Paul E.) are still a part of the company. Moreover, the director's tasks are aided with by a secretary - Gillian E., who was officially appointed by this specific firm in November 1991.