The enterprise referred to as Makin Media was founded on August 22, 2013 as a Private Limited Company. The company's headquarters may be gotten hold of in Bristol on 55 Chesterfield Road, St Andrews. Assuming you have to contact the business by mail, its post code is BS6 5DW. The office registration number for Makin Media Ltd is 08660124. The company's registered with SIC code 59111 - Motion picture production activities. Fri, 31st Mar 2023 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
As for the following limited company, a variety of director's assignments have so far been fulfilled by Emma M. and Patrick M.. Out of these two people, Emma M. has carried on with the limited company for the longest period of time, having been a part of the Management Board since August 22, 2013.
Executives who have control over the firm are as follows: Emma M. owns 1/2 or less of company shares. Patrick M. owns 1/2 or less of company shares.