07006439 is a registration number used by M & M Solicitors Limited. The company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2nd September 2009. The company has been on the British market for the last 16 years. This enterprise can be reached at 34 The Parade Roath in Cardiff. The head office's postal code assigned to this location is CF24 3AD. The company began under the name M & M Law, though for the last sixteen years has been on the market under the name M & M Solicitors Limited. This enterprise's declared SIC number is 69102 - Solicitors. The firm's latest financial reports cover the period up to 2022-09-30 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-09-02.
We have one director at present leading this specific company, specifically Nadeem M. who has been carrying out the director's obligations for 16 years. The following company had been directed by Munnaza M. up until 2021. As a follow-up another director, including Sohail N. gave up the position ten years ago.