This company known as M And D Properties N.e was created on 2008-10-09 as a Private Limited Company. The enterprise's registered office can be found at Sunderland on 106b Hawarden Crescent, High Barnes. If you want to reach the company by post, its postal code is SR4 7NL. The official registration number for M And D Properties N.e. Limited is 06719956. The enterprise's registered with SIC code 68209, that means Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. M And D Properties N.e. Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2021-10-31. The business latest annual confirmation statement was filed on 2022-07-27.
According to the latest data, there seems to be only one director in the company: David F. (since 2014-10-01). Since October 2008 David F., had been supervising this company up until the resignation in 2009. In addition another director, including Michael L. gave up the position in 2024.
David F. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.