Started with Reg No. 04897771 21 years ago, London Premier Hotels Limited was set up as a Private Limited Company. The company's latest registration address is 27 Devonshire Terrace, London. This firm's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 55100 which means Hotels and similar accommodation. London Premier Hotels Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on 2022-03-31. The company's latest confirmation statement was filed on 2022-11-02.
The company has a single managing director now controlling this business, namely Clare G. who's been utilizing the director's assignments since 2003-09-12. Since 2010 Nurallah S., had been supervising the following business up until the resignation thirteen years ago. In addition a different director, namely Nurallah S. resigned 14 years ago. In order to provide support to the directors, this business has been using the skills of Satish M. as a secretary since October 2003.