Lisa's Alterations Limited could be found at 91-93 Victoria Street, in Grimsby. The company's zip code is DN31 1NH. Lisa's Alterations has been active on the British market for 22 years. The company's reg. no. is 04406449. This business's SIC and NACE codes are 47710: Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores. Lisa's Alterations Ltd filed its account information for the period up to 2022-03-31. The firm's latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-03-28.
As of now, this firm has only been supervised by an individual managing director: Lisa H. who has been leading it for 22 years. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, the firm has been utilizing the skills of Lisa H. as a secretary since August 2011.
Lisa H. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.