Registered with number 05928692 18 years ago, Lintbells Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. The firm's current office address is West Barn Fairclough Hall Farm, Halls Green, Weston Hitchin. The enterprise's SIC code is 10920, that means Manufacture of prepared pet foods. Lintbells Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on 2022-12-31. The firm's most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-09-08.
Having three job offers since 2014/12/11, the enterprise has been active on the labour market. On 2018/02/26, it was employing job candidates for a Marketing Assistant position in Weston, and on 2014/12/11, for the vacant position of a Warehouse Supervisor in Hitchin. So far, they have sought employees for the Graphic Designer posts.
The corporation's trademark is "FLICK". They applied for its registration on 2014/05/19 and their IPO published it in the journal number 2014-025.
There's a group of two directors running the firm at the moment, including Stephan B. and Fiona H. who have been executing the directors duties for one year.