1996 marks the start of Lfa Therapy Limited, the firm registered at 40c Swanfield, , Edinburgh. That would make 28 years Lfa Therapy has prospered in the United Kingdom, as it was registered on 2nd February 1996. The company's registration number is SC163074 and the company area code is EH6 5RX. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 86900, that means Other human health activities. Lfa Therapy Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on Friday 31st December 2021. The company's most recent confirmation statement was filed on Tuesday 31st January 2023.
From the data we have gathered, the following firm was established 28 years ago and has so far been governed by fourteen directors, and out of them two (Charlotte E. and Carole M.) are still in the management.