This Laser House Developments Limited firm has been in this business field for at least nine years, having launched in 2016. Registered under the number 10266901, Laser House Developments is a Private Limited Company located in Po Box 7010, London W1A 2EA. The enterprise's principal business activity number is 96090 - Other service activities not elsewhere classified. Friday 30th September 2022 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
From the data we have, the following business was established in July 2016 and has been presided over by two directors.
The companies that control this firm include: Laser House Holdings Limited owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business can be reached in London at Audley House, 12-12A Margaret Street, W1W 8JQ and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 11807840.