02680656 - registration number used by Lancastria Roofing Distributors. It was registered as a Private Unlimited Company on 1992-01-23. It has been actively competing in this business for thirty three years. This company can be contacted at Unit J Woodrow Way Fairhills Industrial Estate in Irlam Manchester. The postal code assigned to this location is M44 6ZQ. In the past, Lancastria Roofing Distributors changed it’s registered name three times. Until 2014-06-18 the firm used the registered name Lancastria. Later on the firm switched to the registered name Lancastria Roof And Tool that was used up till 2014-06-18 then the final name was accepted. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 46900: Non-specialised wholesale trade.
According to the following company's executives list, since 1992-01-23 there have been two directors: Hazel S. and Thomas S..