Kingsridge Properties Limited 's been on the market for thirty seven years. Started with Registered No. 02253306 in the year 1988, the company is located at 15 Chadwick Road, Essex SS0 8LS. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 41100 and their NACE code stands for Development of building projects. The business latest annual accounts cover the period up to 2023-04-30 and the most current annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-01-14.
Our database describing this specific enterprise's members shows us that there are nine directors: Rupert C., Samantha C., Cheryl W. and 6 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of this page who became a part of the team on 2023-03-22, 2014-09-23 and 1991-01-14. Additionally, the managing director's responsibilities are regularly assisted with by a secretary - Cheryl W..