1996 signifies the founding of Kay Care Services Ltd, a company which is situated at 89 West Road, in Newcastle Upon Tyne. That would make 29 years Kay Care Services has been in this business, as it was registered on 1996/12/02. The company's registered no. is 03286133 and the company area code is NE15 6PR. This business's SIC code is 87100 and their NACE code stands for Residential nursing care facilities. April 30, 2022 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Having three job offers since 2014-07-22, the company has been a rather active employer on the job market. On 2016-02-01, it was recruiting new workers for a full time Night Care Assistant post in Morpeth, and on 2014-07-22, for the vacant post of a full time Night carer in Morpeth.
Currently, the directors enumerated by the business are: David H. chosen to lead the company in 2024 and Kelly H. chosen to lead the company one year ago.