Jusst has been operating on the market for twenty years. Registered under 05134520, the company operates as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the headquarters of the company during its opening times under the following address: Flat D 17 Ladbroke Terrace, W11 3PG London. This company's SIC code is 96090, that means Other service activities not elsewhere classified. Jusst Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2023-05-31. The business most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-05-21.
The company has a single managing director at the moment supervising this specific company, specifically Juliette S. who's been executing the director's duties for twenty years. Since May 2004 Sophie T., had been functioning as a director for the following company until the resignation twenty years ago.
Juliette S. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.