Jsp Accountants Limited could be found at First Floor, 4-10 College Road in Harrow. The area code is HA1 1BE. Jsp Accountants has been operating on the British market since the company was started in 2006. The reg. no. is 05823125. This business's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 96090: Other service activities not elsewhere classified. Tue, 31st May 2022 is the last time the accounts were reported.
Having two recruitment advertisements since October 27, 2015, Jsp Accountants has been quite active on the labour market. On September 11, 2017, it started recruiting new employees for a full time Receptionist/Secretary position in Harrow, and on October 27, 2015, for the vacant position of a full time Payroll Assistant/Administrator in Harrow.
The data we obtained describing the enterprise's MDs indicates the existence of three directors: Charanjiv D., Neal M. and Baljit S. who were appointed on 2023/04/19, 2023/01/20. In order to find professional help with legal documentation, the limited company has been utilizing the skills of Baljit S. as a secretary for the last sixteen years.