This Joju Limited business has been operating offering its services for eighteen years, as it's been established in 2006. Started with registration number 05881628, Joju was set up as a Private Limited Company located in Summit House, London NW3 6BP. The company's registered with SIC code 43290 which means Other construction installation. 2022-09-30 is the last time when the accounts were filed.
With three job advertisements since 19th May 2015, the corporation has been an active employer on the job market. On 9th October 2017, it was searching for job candidates for a Part-time Bookkeeper and Financial Administrator position in London, and on 19th May 2015, for the vacant position of a Part-time Bookkeeper and Financial Administrator in North London.
The company has a single director at present leading this particular company, namely Joseph M. who has been executing the director's obligations since 19th July 2006. The following company had been presided over by Philip M. up until July 2013. As a follow-up a different director, namely Christian J. gave up the position in 2024. Additionally, the director's assignments are regularly helped with by a secretary - Linda C., who was appointed by the company in August 2010.