03607570 - registration number of Johns & Kelynack (1998) Limited. It was registered as a Private Limited Company on July 30, 1998. It has existed in this business for 26 years. This company can be gotten hold of in 167 Turners Hill in Cheshunt. The head office's postal code assigned to this place is EN8 9BH. The name switch from Bonusbound to Johns & Kelynack (1998) Limited came on December 29, 1998. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 64999 and has the NACE code: Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified. Johns & Kelynack (1998) Ltd released its account information for the period up to 31st March 2023. The firm's most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 30th July 2023.
Sarah G. is this enterprise's solitary director, who was designated to this position 26 years ago. The business had been guided by John K. till three years ago.
Sarah G. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.