Gypsea came into being in 2011 as a company enlisted under no 07858806, located at SS0 7JW Westcliff-on-sea at 2a Burdett Avenue. This firm has been in business for 13 years and its last known status is active. The company's name is Gypsea Ltd. This business's former associates may recognize the firm also as Jessie & Leo's Boo-teek, which was in use until 2018-01-25. This business's SIC code is 47910 which means Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet. 2022-03-31 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
Right now, this specific business is managed by a single managing director: Myrin B., who was chosen to lead the company in November 2011.
Myrin B. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.