The firm is known as Jengaz Uk Ltd. This firm was established six years ago and was registered under 11612390 as its reg. no. This registered office of the firm is registered in London. You may visit them at 20-22 Wenlock Road. The business name of this business was replaced in 2019 to Jengaz Uk Ltd. The firm former registered name was Jenga Construction. This firm's principal business activity number is 43330, that means Floor and wall covering. Jengaz Uk Limited released its latest accounts for the period up to 31st October 2022. The company's latest confirmation statement was submitted on 8th October 2023.
We have a single managing director this particular moment overseeing this particular firm, namely Awarda H. who has been performing the director's obligations since 2018-10-09.
Awarda H. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.