This James & Co Consultants Limited business has been operating in this business field for 18 years, having launched in 2006. Started with Companies House Reg No. 06025569, James & Consultants is categorised as a Private Limited Company with office in 116 Oscott School Lane, Birmingham B44 9EN. The firm registered name transformation from Harbornes to James & Co Consultants Limited occurred on 2009-01-27. The company's registered with SIC code 82110 which stands for Combined office administrative service activities. James & Co Consultants Ltd released its latest accounts for the period up to 2023-03-31. The most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2022-12-12.
Presently, the business is overseen by a single managing director: James B., who was appointed on 2009-01-25. Since 2007-04-03 Leela B., had been managing this business until the resignation on 2009-01-25. In addition a different director, namely James B. gave up the position in 2007.
James B. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.