Registered with number 00579897 sixty seven years ago, J Fountain & Sons Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. The company's actual mailing address is 46-48 Wellington Mews, Hastings East Sussex. The firm's principal business activity number is 46310 and their NACE code stands for Wholesale of fruit and vegetables. The company's most recent accounts describe the period up to Thu, 30th Mar 2023 and the latest annual confirmation statement was released on Tue, 13th Jun 2023.
J Fountain & Sons Ltd is a small-sized vehicle operator with the licence number OK0112665. The firm has one transport operating centre in the country. In their subsidiary in Hastings , 4 machines are available.
The following company owes its accomplishments and permanent progress to exactly two directors, who are Nicola F. and Jamie F., who have been in charge of the firm since April 2012. Moreover, the director's efforts are regularly assisted with by a secretary - Jamie F., who was officially appointed by this company 22 years ago.