Intruder Detection Services has been operating in this business for at least 19 years. Registered under 05397864, it operates as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the office of the firm during office hours under the following location: 82c Chesterton Road London, W10 6EP North Kensington. This company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 43999 which stands for Other specialised construction activities not elsewhere classified. The business most recent filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 2022-03-31 and the latest confirmation statement was released on 2023-07-10.
The company has a solitary managing director now supervising this particular company, specifically Stephen M. who has been utilizing the director's tasks since 2005-03-18. Since November 2008 Mark M., had performed assigned duties for this specific company until the resignation on 2022-10-01. What is more another director, including Mark M. quit in May 2007. To support the directors in their duties, the abovementioned company has been utilizing the skillset of Janet M. as a secretary for the last 19 years.