The moment the firm was started is 2008-05-14. Started under no. 06592817, this company is considered a Private Limited Company. You can reach the office of the firm during business times under the following address: 206 Upper Richmond Road West, SW14 8AH East Sheen. The company has a history in name changes. Up till now this company had two different company names. Up till 2015 this company was prospering as Interact-2020 and before that the registered company name was Interact-hd. This firm's registered with SIC code 82990 which stands for Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. Its most recent annual accounts were submitted for the period up to 31st December 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was submitted on 14th May 2023.
At the moment, this firm is guided by one managing director: Patrick D., who was arranged to perform management duties in January 2009. Since 2013-07-10 Graeme H., had fulfilled assigned duties for this specific firm up to the moment of the resignation in 2014. Furthermore a different director, namely Paul B. gave up the position twelve years ago.