Innovative Telecom Solutions Ltd with Companies House Reg No. 06789110 has been a part of the business world for 15 years. This particular Private Limited Company is located at Tenby Place 102 Selby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham and its post code is NG2 7BA. This company's declared SIC number is 61200 meaning Wireless telecommunications activities. The firm's most recent filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2022-01-31 and the most current confirmation statement was filed on 2023-01-12.
Jahangir A. is this specific firm's individual managing director, who was designated to this position in 2009 in January. In order to provide support to the directors, the abovementioned limited company has been using the skills of Sehba A. as a secretary since January 2009.
Jahangir A. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.