Induserv Ltd. has been on the market for twenty years. Registered with number 05479310 in 2005, the company have office at Oak Lawn Farm, Eye IP23 7NL. Induserv Ltd. was listed 20 years ago as New Induserv. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 81300 meaning Landscape service activities. 2022-08-31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
1 transaction have been registered in 2014 with a sum total of £690. In 2013 there was a similar number of transactions (exactly 5) that added up to £4,110. The Council conducted 5 transactions in 2012, this added up to £4,158. All the transactions taken into account were valued at 500 pounds or more. In total, the company conducted 15 transactions and issued invoices for £11,698. Cooperation with the Department for Transport council covered the following areas: Accommodation and Accomm - Grounds Maintenance.
There is 1 managing director presently supervising the following firm, specifically James S. who's been performing the director's tasks since 2005-06-13.