The moment this company was established is 2019-09-23. Started under no. 12223091, this firm is classified as a Private Limited Company. You may find the headquarters of this firm during office hours under the following address: 41 Furlong Road, GL1 4UT Gloucester. Even though currently it is known as Imagine Mentoring And Support Ltd, it had the name changed. The company was known under the name Imagine Mentoring And Support until 2022-03-17, then it was changed to Ims (gloucester). The final change came on 2022-05-05. This enterprise's principal business activity number is 87900 - Other residential care activities n.e.c.. Imagine Mentoring And Support Limited released its latest accounts for the financial period up to 31st March 2023. The company's most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 5th May 2023.
Since 2019-09-23, this particular firm has only had an individual director: Kelly R. who has been caring of it for six years.