Located in 62 Britton Street, Clerkenwell EC1M 5UY Hospitality Action is categorised as a Pri/lbg/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital, Use Of 'limited' Exemption) with 04914871 registration number. This company was established twenty one years ago. This business's registered with SIC code 82990, that means Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. 2022-12-31 is the last time the accounts were filed.
The firm was registered as a charity on 2003/12/08. Its charity registration number is 1101083. The geographic range of the enterprise's activity is not defined.. They provide aid in Throughout England And Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. As for the charity's finances, their most prosperous period was in 2009 when they raised £1,260,988 and their spendings were £1,309,790. Hospitality Action engages in education and training, training and education, charitable purposes. It strives to support other definied groups, other definied groups. It tries to help the above beneficiaries by providing advocacy, advice or information, providing advocacy and counselling services and granting money to individuals. If you wish to get to know anything else about the firm's undertakings, dial them on the following number 020 3004 5511 or go to their website.
Taking into consideration the firm's executives data, since 2024 there have been fifteen directors including: Helen M., Daniel P. and Kevin C.. Moreover, the director's duties are often backed by a secretary - Greg M., who was selected by the following limited company on Fri, 5th Dec 2014.