This company operates under the name of Hawkesmill Nurseries Co. Limited. This firm was originally established fourty eight years ago and was registered with 01303304 as its registration number. This registered office of this firm is located in Coventry. You can contact them at 1 & 2 Mercia Village, Torwood Close Westwood Business Park. The company's declared SIC number is 1290 meaning Growing of other perennial crops. Sat, 31st Dec 2022 is the last time when the accounts were reported.
Hawkesmill Nurseries Co Ltd is a small-sized vehicle operator with the licence number OD0253165. The firm has three transport operating centres in the country. In their subsidiary in Coventry on Allesley, 1 machine is available. The centre in Coventry on Allesley has 3 machines, and the centre in Kenilworth on Fen End is equipped with 5 machines.
Council Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council can be found among the counter parties that cooperate with the company. In 2015, this cooperation amounted to at least 2,385 pounds of revenue. Cooperation with the Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council council covered the following areas: Cultural & Related Services.
Due to the company's number of employees, it became necessary to choose more directors: John E., Richard E. and Trevor E. who have been participating in joint efforts since Tuesday 18th November 1997 to promote the success of this specific firm.