2005 signifies the establishment of Harkalm Investments Ltd, a company located at 35 Ballards Lane, , London. This means it's been 19 years Harkalm Investments has been on the market, as it was established on October 18, 2005. Its registration number is 05596262 and the company area code is N3 1XW. This company's principal business activity number is 64305 : Activities of property unit trusts. The company's most recent annual accounts describe the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2022-11-30.
Our data that details this firm's MDs shows us the existence of three directors: David R., Ben S. and Adam H. who became the part of the company on January 11, 2019, April 6, 2010 and October 18, 2005. What is more, the director's efforts are often helped with by a secretary - Ben S., who was officially appointed by this limited company in May 2011.