Harding Nicholls Lloyd Associates has been operating offering its services for at least nineteen years. Registered under no. 05921274, this company is listed as a Private Limited Company. You may find the headquarters of this firm during its opening hours under the following address: 3 Meiros Close, Llanharran Pontyclun, CF72 9UX South Wales. It 's been ten years that This firm's business name is Harding Nicholls Lloyd Associates Limited, but until 2015 the name was Harding Nicholls Lloyd Allam and before that, until 2009-06-06 the firm was known as Harding Nicholls Lloyd. This means it has used four different names. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 71122 which stands for Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities. 2023-08-31 is the last time the company accounts were reported.
The following limited company owes its achievements and constant progress to a group of three directors, who are Gareth L., Jonathan H. and Lesley H., who have been in charge of the firm since 2006-08-31. To provide support to the directors, the limited company has been utilizing the expertise of Gareth L. as a secretary since the appointment on 2006-08-31.