Halfway House Bar And Grill Limited can be contacted at Grimsby at Hall Farm Hotel And Restaurant Ltd. You can look up this business by referencing its zip code - DN37 0RT. This enterprise has been in business on the UK market for thirteen years. This business is registered under the number 07771214 and its last known state is active. The company's declared SIC number is 56101, that means Licensed restaurants. Halfway House Bar And Grill Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-06-30. Its latest annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-08-29.
The limited company owes its accomplishments and permanent growth to a team of two directors, who are Matthew D. and Angela D., who have been running it since 2011-09-13. To support the directors in their duties, this particular limited company has been utilizing the skillset of Angela D. as a secretary for the last thirteen years.