Gro-well Feeds is a firm situated at SN12 6TS Melksham at 26 Hercules Way. The company was set up in 2005 and is established under the registration number 05526708. The company has been present on the UK market for nineteen years now and its state is active. It has been already ten years from the moment Gro-well Feeds Limited is no longer identified under the name Gwf Nutrition. The firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 99999 meaning Dormant Company. 2022-02-28 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
Currently, this specific business is led by a solitary director: Simon V., who was designated to this position on Wed, 19th May 2021. Since Tue, 15th Jan 2008 Stephen T., had been performing the duties for this specific business until the resignation three years ago. In addition a different director, specifically Reginald H. gave up the position in 2008.