Growing Green is a business situated at MK9 1FF Milton Keynes at C/o Mazars Llp The Pinnacle. This firm has been in existence since 2003 and is established under reg. no. 04870412. This firm has been present on the English market for twenty two years now and the last known state is active. Although recently referred to as Growing Green Limited, it previously was known under a different name. It was known as Mountdale until 2003-08-29, when it was replaced by N T M Produce. The last switch occurred on 2005-05-06. This enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 1130 - Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers. Growing Green Ltd released its latest accounts for the financial year up to 30th November 2022. The most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 9th October 2023.
The info we posses that details this particular firm's management shows us there are two directors: Giuseppe C. and Salvatore C. who became the part of the company on 2005-04-15. Furthermore, the director's tasks are supported by a secretary - Adam K., who was chosen by this specific business on 2005-04-15.