Located at Greencroft Milk Supplies Limited, Middlesbrough TS3 8BL Greencroft Milk Supplies Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company with 02929752 Companies House Reg No. This company appeared on 1994-05-17. It now known as Greencroft Milk Supplies Limited, was previously known as Nowany. The transformation has taken place in 1994-07-04. The enterprise's SIC code is 47290 which stands for Other retail sale of food in specialised stores. Greencroft Milk Supplies Ltd released its account information for the period up to 30th October 2022. The latest confirmation statement was released on 13th May 2023.
Greencroft Milk Supplies Ltd is a medium-sized vehicle operator with the licence number OB1130902. The firm has two transport operating centres in the country. In their subsidiary in Middlesbrough on Telford Road, 8 machines and 2 trailers are available. The centre in Newcastle Upon Tyne on Bellway Industrial Estate has 2 machines.
With eight job announcements since Friday 31st July 2015, the firm has been among the most active companies on the job market. Most recently, it was searching for candidates in Middlesbrough, Newcastle upon Tyne and York. They search for candidates for such positions as for instance: Multi Drop Delivery Driver - York, Class 1 (C+E) Driver and Lgv Class 2 Driver.
Because of this particular enterprise's growth, it was imperative to formally appoint more executives, including: Stacey C., Anthony P., Jonathon P. who have been working together since May 2023 to promote the success of the following business. In addition, the director's duties are constantly backed by a secretary - Janice P., who was selected by this business on 2008-02-04.