Goldbank Uk has been in this business for 23 years. Started under company registration number 04526668, this firm is considered a Private Limited Company. You may visit the headquarters of this firm during business times under the following address: Union House 111 New Union Street, CV1 2NT Coventry. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 64929 and has the NACE code: Other credit granting n.e.c.. Goldbank Uk Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on Saturday 30th September 2023. The business latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on Monday 4th September 2023.
Regarding the company, a variety of director's assignments have so far been met by Samir S. who was designated to this position on 2002-09-04. For one year Rodney H., had fulfilled assigned duties for this specific company until the resignation on 2012-01-10. Furthermore a different director, including Gulshan M. gave up the position on 2010-09-03.
Samir S. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.