The day the company was established is 2006-01-18. Established under no. 05679578, the firm operates as a Private Limited Company. You may find the headquarters of the company during business hours under the following location: 304 Wrythe Lane Carshalton, SM5 1AF Surrey. This enterprise's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 82990 and has the NACE code: Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. The firm's most recent filed accounts documents describe the period up to Thursday 30th June 2022 and the latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on Monday 18th September 2023.
We have one managing director this particular moment controlling the business, namely Gary S. who's been utilizing the director's duties since 2006-01-18. For four years Andrew B., had been performing the duties for the business up until the resignation on 2021-08-06. In addition a different director, specifically Paula N. quit in 2017.
Gary S. is the individual who controls this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.