The enterprise referred to as Garnet Consulting was founded on 2009-07-27 as a Private Limited Company. The company's registered office can be found at Middlesex on 32 Newton Road, Isleworth. When you want to contact this company by mail, the zip code is TW7 6QD. The official registration number for Garnet Consulting Limited is 06973797. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 96090 and has the NACE code: Other service activities not elsewhere classified. 31st July 2022 is the last time company accounts were filed.
1 transaction have been registered in 2013 with a sum total of £11,575. Cooperation with the Dartford Borough Council council covered the following areas: Miscellaneous.
In the company, most of director's duties have so far been performed by Joanna H. and Vikki E.. Out of these two managers, Vikki E. has administered company the longest, having become a vital addition to directors' team on December 2009.