Forward Lubricants is a company located at SY1 2EL Shropshire at 38-41 Castle Foregate. This business was established in 2004 and is registered under the registration number 05148695. This business has been operating on the English market for 20 years now and its current state is active. The company known today as Forward Lubricants Limited, was previously registered under the name of Trushelfco (no.3055). The transformation has taken place in 2004-08-18. This firm's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 74990 meaning Non-trading company. 2022/07/31 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
According to the data we have, this specific limited company was formed in 2004-06-08 and has so far been steered by eight directors, and out of them three (David G., Andrew G. and Edward G.) are still participating in the company's duties. In order to support the directors in their duties, this particular limited company has been utilizing the skills of Andrew G. as a secretary since December 2004.