2012 is the date that marks the founding of Flakey Crust Bakery Ltd, the firm that is situated at 10 Bellingham Trading Estate, Franthorne Way, London. This means it's been thirteen years Flakey Crust Bakery has been in the UK, as the company was founded on 2012-08-31. The company's registration number is 08196863 and the zip code is SE6 3BX. The company has a history in name changes. Previously this firm had two different company names. Before 2015 this firm was prospering as Flakey Curst Bakery and up to that point the registered company name was Flaky Crust Bakery & Catering. This company's declared SIC number is 10710, that means Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes. Its latest accounts were submitted for the period up to Wed, 31st Aug 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was submitted on Thu, 31st Aug 2023.
Until now, this particular business has only been guided by a single managing director: Kerrite B. who has been supervising it for thirteen years.